среда, 10 июня 2020 г.

OSIRIS-REx finds heat, cold fracturing rocks on Asteroid Bennu

Close-up observations of asteroid Bennu by NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft contain the first evidence of thermal fracturing of rocks on an airless body, a Nature Communications paper by Planetary Science Institute Research Scientist Jamie Molaro says. Thermal fracturing or thermal stress weathering occurs as rocks heat and cool each day, and mechanical stresses build up that can cause cracks to develop and grow. Over time the cracks grow larger and cause the rock to disaggregate or split into multiple pieces. For example, daytime highs on Bennu can reach about 400 degrees Kelvin (260 degrees Fahrenheit), and nighttime lows plummet to 200 degrees Kelvin (-100 degrees Fahrenheit). "This is the first time evidence for thermal fracturing has been definitively observed on an object without an atmosphere," said Molaro, lead author of the paper "In Situ Evidence of Thermally Induced Rock Breakdown Widespread on Bennu's Surface" published June 9, 2020. "It is one piece of a puzzle that tells us what the surface used to be like, and what it will be like millions of years from now." "This thermally induced breakdown has long been known on Earth. The OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (OCAMS) orbiting as close as 0.6 km (0.4 mi) has obtained images of the surface of Bennu at pixel scales down to about 1 centimeter per pixel, providing an opportunity to search over a wide range of scales for evidence of thermal breakdown occurring in situ," Molaro said.

"On Earth there are chemical weathering processes that help make thermal fracturing more efficient. The presence of air and moisture within cracks makes them easier to grow, and so on Earth this effect really cannot be decoupled from the effect of the thermal stresses themselves.

"We've observed evidence of thermal fracturing on Earth and on Mars, both environments where chemical weathering may play a role. Therefore, while it was theoretically possible for thermal fracturing on an airless body to occur alone, it was not clear whether or not the stresses would be strong enough to cause crack growth in absence of the chemical effects," Molaro said.

"Like any weathering process, thermal fracturing can cause the evolution of boulders and planetary surfaces over time; from changing the shape and size of individual boulders, to producing pebbles or fine-grained regolith, to breaking down crater walls," Molaro said. "How quickly this occurs relative to other weathering processes tells us how quickly the surface has changed.

It is one piece of a puzzle that tells us what the planetary surface used to be like, and what it will be like millions of years from now. We don't have good constraints yet on breakdown rates from thermal fracturing, but we can get them now that we can actually observe evidence for it for the first time in-situ.

"We show observations of boulder morphologies and fractures on Bennu that are consistent with models of thermally induced rock breakdown, and not easily explained by other weathering mechanisms. Boulders on Bennu exhibit many possible signs of thermal fracturing, but the clearest is images showing exfoliation, where thin layers of material flake off boulder surfaces," Molaro said.

"These findings provide substantive and compelling evidence that thermal fracturing plays an important role on airless body surfaces, which has major implications for understanding the evolution of asteroid surfaces, orbits, and populations."

понедельник, 8 июня 2020 г.

STEREO watches Comet ATLAS as Solar Orbiter crosses its tail

NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO-A spacecraft, captured these images of comet ATLAS as it swooped by the Sun from May 25 - June 1. During the observations and outside STEREO's field of view, ESA/NASA's Solar Orbiter spacecraft crossed one of the comet's two tails. In the animated image, ATLAS emerges from the top of the frame and approaches the Sun - off camera to left - against gusts of solar wind. Its dust tail, which reflects sunlight, appears white. Mercury is also visible as a bright dot emerging from the left against the stationary starfield. The vertical streaks in the image are artifacts created by saturation from bright background stars. While STEREO recorded this footage, Solar Orbiter crossed one of comet ATLAS's tails. Launched in February 2020, the spacecraft wasn't scheduled to enter full science operations until June 15, but engineers adjusted Solar Orbiter's testing schedule and turned on its four most relevant instruments for the encounter. It's the first time a comet tail crossing by a spacecraft not designed to chase them was predicted in advance. As material sheds from a comet's nucleus, it leaves behind two tails: a thin ion tail, made of charged particles, and a more diffuse dust tail that reflects visible light. The ion tail always points away from the Sun regardless of the comet's trajectory; the dust tail more closely follows the comet's path. Solar Orbiter crossed the ion tail on May 31, some 27 million miles downstream and outside STEREO's field of view. The team is still awaiting those results. It will fly through the remnants of the dust tail on June 6.

Comet ATLAS was discovered on Dec. 28, 2019 in images captured by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, or ATLAS robotic astronomical survey system in Hawaii. Comets are traditionally named after the instruments or person that discovered them.

The comet follows an orbit that takes it past the Sun approximately every 6,000 years, though observations suggest the comet is currently disintegrating and is unlikely to return. It likely originated in the Oort cloud, a spherical cloud of ice and rocks surrounding our solar system. The Oort cloud begins about 185 billion miles away, some 67 times farther than Neptune.

четверг, 4 июня 2020 г.

OSIRIS-REx swoops over sample site Osprey

This view of sample site Osprey on asteroid Bennu is a mosaic of images collected by NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft on May 26. A total of 347 PolyCam images were stitched together and corrected to produce the mosaic, which shows the site at 0.2 inches (5 mm) per pixel at full size. The spacecraft took these images during an 820-foot (250-meter) reconnaissance pass over the site, which is the closest Osprey has been imaged. The pass was designed to provide high-resolution imagery to identify the best areas within the site to collect a sample. The sample site is located in the crater at the bottom of the image, just above the dark patch at the crater's center. The long, light-colored boulder to the left of the dark patch, named Strix Saxum, is 17 ft (5.2 m) in length. The mosaic is rotated so that Bennu's east is at the top of the image. Osprey is the backup sample collection site for the OSIRIS-REx mission. OSIRIS-REx is scheduled to make its first sample collection attempt at primary site Nightingale on Oct. 20.

понедельник, 1 июня 2020 г.

Миссия DART по отклонению движений астероида идет по плану

Согласно новой оценке Управления по подотчетности правительства (GAO), оборонная планетарная миссия НАСА, направленная на отклонение небольшого астероида, продолжает двигаться по своему пути к запуску в феврале 2022 года, сохраняя при этом бюджет в $313,9 миллионов. Тест миссии на перенаправление двойного астероида (DART) будет проведен на двойном астероиде Didymos. Аппарат будет воздействовать на меньшее из двух тел, чтобы оценить методы отклонения опасных астероидов с курса от столкновения с Землей. Первоначально НАСА планировало отправить миссию DART в полет на раета-носителе с другой полезной нагрузкой. Впоследствии агентство выбрало Falcon 9 от SpaceX в качестве новой ракеты-носителя. «По словам официальных лиц, наличие специальной ракеты-носителя позволяет создать новую траекторию, которая снижает количество необходимого топлива», - говорится в оценке GAO. «В результате проект больше не опирается на демонстрацию технологии эволюционного ксенонового двигателя (NEXT-C) НАСА Evolutionary, которая испытывает задержки в своей разработке». Миссия НАСА DART является частью международной миссии по оценке воздействия и отклонения астероида, сотрудничества с Европейским космическим агентством (ESA) и Итальянским космическим агентством (ASI).

ASI предоставит легкий итальянский CubeSat для получения изображений астероида (LICIACube), который будет документировать влияние DART на астероид Didymos.

«В ноябре 2019 года Европейское космическое агентство (ESA) утвердило миссию HERA, возможную миссию, которая должна быть запущена в 2024 году. Она предоставит дополнительный последующий анализ воздействия аппарата DART. НАСА и ЕКА еще не достигли официального соглашения по этой миссии», - говорится в сообщении.